Allan Silva

Executive Development for Powerful Leaders and Innovative Business Growth


For over fifteen years, Allan has prioritized providing leadership development to rapid-growth organizations and technology companies. He currently delivers the C-Suite team and executive coaching for companies that stake their brand on innovation, including Salesforce, Airbnb, Lucasfilm, Atlassian, Sonos, and Twitter. His specialty areas are coaching senior leaders moving into functional and general management roles, developing high-performing executive teams, and coaching executives who are leading large-scale growth/change initiatives. Prior to his focus in the business world, he was the CEO of a national nonprofit dedicated to ending gender-based violence. In this role, he was selected to serve as a public health policy adviser during President Clinton’s second administration. Funded by the Federal DOJ, he was directly responsible for building a nation wide network of coordinated community response systems to sexual assault on federally funded college campuses. Allan brings his acumen in building political coalitions and multi-system stakeholder management to coaching business leaders on how to think and navigate politically in and across global organizations. As a doctoral fellow in the College of Medicine at the University of Toledo, he conducted and published one of the first neurobiology studies to demonstrate acute neuroplasticity in adults. Not content to just sit in the laboratory and fascinated by the peak performance of champion athletes and sports teams, he further specialized in clinical and somatic psychology in his Master’s in Clinical Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies. He graduated with his Bachelor’s in International Economics and Neuroscience from Kalamazoo College. As a pioneer in his discipline, he applies behavioral neuroscience toward the peak development of leaders and their organizations. He lives in Oakland, California. For eighteen years he has been a contributing artist and supporter of community theater at Bindlestiff Studio, The Epicenter of Filipino American Performing Arts.


  • Coach leaders in technology, biotech, healthcare, and entertainment industries on leading change, cross-functional performance, innovation cultures, strategic influence, and political savvy
  • Coached executive team through CEO transition of a founder-led global technology company.
  • Coached a senior cross-functional team through leading operational change and product innovation for a global online marketplace company.
  • Lead consultant, designer, and facilitator of an enterprise-wide culture transformation to high-performing teams for a global consumer electronics company.
  • Lead consultant, designer and facilitator of a 6-month Design Thinking Innovation Fellowship for UCSF School of Medicine, CoreAlign Network


  • New Ventures West Professional Coach
  • Immunity to Change Facilitator
  • Leadership Circle Profile 360
  • Hogan Leadership Assessment Suite
  • Emotional Intelligence EQ-i 2.0, MSCEIT
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • Art of Developmental Coaching
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