What’s New in
High Impact Leadership
Check out our innovative research to develop your leadership pipeline.
DOWN WITH "soft skills" a case for "connective skills"
As a follow-up to our Leading Across research, we found that Lateral Agility, the critical capability needed by today’s senior leaders, is underpinned by nine shared traits. At first blush these traits might appear to be “soft skills.” However, we think that needs a major reframe. What they really are, are Connective Skills.
Leading Across: The Superpower That Differentiates Today's Top Senior Leaders
The complexities of organizational challenges require a different type of senior leadership, with a different approach to working relationships. Our research found that the best senior leaders invest as much time in leading across as they do leading vertically, but they feel less prepared to do it well.
Critical Link: Lessons Learned from New Directors
What are the challenges that Directors face today? What is the transition into this role like? What can organizations do to develop and support these critical leaders? To find out, ProjectNext Leadership conducted a research study targeting leaders recently promoted (or hired) into Director and Senior Director roles.
The Three Pivots for Today's CEO
The expectations of the CEO have both increased and broadened. And yet one thing hasn’t changed. The maximum number of hours in a week that any CEO has to offer: it’s still just 168. Our research uncovered the key pivots to leverage a CEO’s most limited resource.
Rolling the Dice: The Troubling State of Succession Development for High Impact Roles
The fate of organizations rests in the hands of leaders in high impact roles.Yet many companies invest little in preparing these leaders, leaving their future success to good intentions and chance. Our research identified the main areas of opportunity for organizations.
Your Diversity Problem Might Actually Be a Succession Planning Problem
Research Paper
ProjectNext - Research Paper
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