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‘San Francisco Business Times’ Viewpoint: Times Have Changed. Business Leadership Needs to Catch Up.

Effective leadership looks different now. While the seeds of these changes were sown well before the pandemic started, the dynamics of the last several years have dramatically accelerated those changes. With a hybrid workplace, increasingly complex decisions and reliance on fewer resources, effective collaboration within organizations is paramount to success.

From tech industry layoffs to a lack of interpersonal interactions created by remote and hybrid workforces, leaders are being challenged to do more with less.

ProjectNext Leadership co-CEO and co-founder, Jeff Rosenthal shared insights from our recent research report in a Viewpoints column for the San Francisco Business Times. Answering the call to pivot leadership skills to include lateral agility, or as we like to call it “leading across,” we’ve identified a number of proactive things a company can do to engage leaders and develop the skills necessary to both survive and thrive.

Read the article to explore our position on why and how companies can prepare their teams for future success.

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